Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana | Imagining Futures

Manifesta 15, September 8, 2024

Imagining Futures

The Manifesta 15 cluster Imagining Futures is linked to the Besòs River and its surroundings, an 80km2 area that is home to around one million residents. Historically, Besòs was marked by disorderly urban growth and socioeconomic vulnerability. Today, if you are prepared to dream big, it is a place of opportunity, as symbolised by the industrial ruin that dominates its skyline: the Three Chimneys of Sant Adrià, the ‘Sagrada Família of the workers’ that is the cluster’s main venue. Here, the eco-social transition is taking root, as emerging approaches that respect nature are adopted and a shared commitment to inclusivity empowers residents to make their voices heard. In this evocative locale, culture catalyses positive change, crafting narratives that inspire, challenge and guide us into the unknown.


Artwork on view


Location: M|A/C Prison

Muralla de la Presó, 2, 08302 Mataró


Images courtesy of the artist