SO-FAR | Towards a New Relational Consciousness

SO-FAR, January 7, 2020

Media artist Brandon Tay, NTU CCA curator Magdalena Magiera and Google curator Kenric McDowell discuss destabilising the human-centred design paradigm.


On one layer, in Singapore we have a colonial heritage that seeps into our culture. To another degree, I’m aware that when I use technology, it’s like an ‘input-output’, very linear, or singular path to creation or art-making. I guess that makes it difficult to switch to a more relational mindset.


 I find myself creating something that’s almost like a product. What I find exciting about Kenric’s observations is the possibility that a work can go beyond a singular object, product or performance. It becomes something more networked. So it could be an art experience, art object or entity that exists in relation to other art entities. That fundamental shift to think about technology in relation to art as different from a painting — the former is intrinsically networked, rather than a singular object.