CASTLEMAINE ART MUSEUM | Jonathan Nichols: The inside of painting
Castlemaine Art Museum, 2024年5月9日CENTRE OF VISUAL ART | Jonathan Nichols: Walking With Ghosts
Centre of Visual Art, 2022年6月28日Walking With Ghosts: Six Conversations About Painting
Publication By John NicholsWalking with Ghosts: Six Conversations about Painting, 2022年6月1日ARTITUTE | INNATE: Aki Hassan, Filippo Sciascia, Fyerool Darma, Jonathan Nichols and Xue Mu
Artitute, 2021年9月27日NGV | Patrick Pound: The Great Exhibition
NGV, National Gallery of Victoria, 2017年3月31日Canberra Contemporary Art Space | Imprint Growing Up Planned
Virginia Rigney, Canberra Contemporary Art Space, 2016年7月22日Stamm | Jonathan Nichols plays David Morse and Viggo Mortensen
Michelle Mantsio, Stamm, 2013年12月1日Martyn Jolly Writing and Photography | PRESENT TENSE: AN IMAGINED GRAMMAR OF PORTRAITURE IN THE DIGITAL AGE
Martyn Jolly, Martyn Jolly Writing and Photography, 2013年10月3日Art Blart | Exhibition: ‘present tense: an imagined grammar of portraiture in the new media age’
Dr Marcus Bunyan, Art Blart , 2010年8月7日Artlink | Reflections in a Golden Eye
Kirsten Rann, Artlink, 2006年9月1日Ian Potter Museum of Art | 'Demonology', by Jonathan Nichols. A catalogue essay for the Ian Potter Museum of Art
Jonathan Nichols, The University of Melbourne, 2006年5月5日Things in you (watch your business), Basement, Melbourne, 1996
Jonathan Nichols, 1996年1月3日'High Heel' or 'The Best Shoes in Paris'
Bala Star, Jonathan Nichols, 1994年12月18日