The word ‘bodily’ has been very vital in Aki’s practice. To some extent, it serves as an anchor to the way they relate to everything - be it lines, forms, words and space. In many ways, they have referred to their body as a point of reference, especially in the way they relate to straightness and stiffness, but they feel that the relationship they have with their body is far more nuanced and complex. Their concerns lie in the slightest shifts and adjustments. They pay attention to the pulsing pain of a muscle knot or the awkward stretches over layers of fatness.
‘lingering thoughts, love’ is a series of sculptures arising from the artist spending a lot of time re-examining the ways in which they exist in this world and the capacities they take up. They take inspiration from the moments they felt hyper-aware of their bodily acts. In this series, they made allowances for forms to echo and bounce off each work, giving them a chance to warp in their own ways.